Real ills 3
No this is not about real ills (sickness), but about devotions from Real Life Illustrations. These are true earthly illustrations that reveal a spiritual truth. We encourage you to find illustrations from your life to share with others about what God is doing in your own life. Just click on the blue titles.
History Book
  I wonder what people would say about our past? I wonder what kind of history we are leaving. I know that many of us have things in our past that we do not want to remember. There were painful times, heart breaking times, and times that we did something evil.  We wish these were not part of our history. But I hate to say it, but there are no do overs in human history. “Accept His Story today before you become history in the future.”
[A] MAZE [D]
In many ways, life is like a corn maze.  It can be filled with frustrations, dead ends, injustice, stress, pressure and hardships. People move from place to place, constantly changing jobs. Relationships do not last. There is never enough money to pay the bills. The search for happiness and satisfaction is never found. “When you are caught in the frustrating maze of life, look up and be amazed by Him who is known as The Way.”
The Human Chess Game
Are you board with life? Are you confused on which way to move? Are you tired with playing games in life? Then check who your Mate is. Yield to the Master to control your life and be on the winning side. “Unlike chess, when your game of life is over you are not just kept in a box.” 
When they press that Play-Doh into those impressions, it really makes impressive looking food. Over 100 million cans are produced each year.  That is impressive. “We should be leaving impressions of Jesus on those we know.”

Willing to Surrender
The next day, as the Sunday church bells were ringing to start the morning services, the Confederates entered with loud Dixie music and flags flying. They halted in the Square and took down the Union flag. General Early demanded supplies and $100,000 in US dollars from York (my home town).  About $28,610 and its equivalent in merchandise were collected, along with a “due bill” balance. That day, the town’s people did not willing and totally surrender to General Early demands. We as Christians should not be like the ones above when it comes to our obedience to our Lord. “Only when we willing and totally surrender our will, will God totally transform our lives.”
Endorsement That Saved and Created a New US
In the fall of 1777 forces of the British Army successfully captured Philadelphia, and the seat of the Second Continental Congress was forced to relocate to my home town of York, Pa. The Conway Cabal was a group of senior Continental Army officers who aimed to have George Washington replaced as commander-in-chief of the Army with General Gates. While in York, Lafayette endorsed his friend Washington and stated that if his demands were not granted, he would return home to France "with most all the French officers in the Army." His endorsement helped save and create a new US. “When we endorse Jesus (confess and believe), it will save and create a new us.”
Vote For Who?
I will trust my faith in Jesus Christ to lead me to the best information and in the best direction to go. I will trust Him to separate the "chaff from the wheat" and not “lean upon my own understanding" to make the best decision. In the, end as a Christian, I know that He will guide me to a decision that is not only good for me, but right for this county that I love so much. “Investigate, pray, vote, then pray without ceasing.”
Go for the Incorruptible Gold
Our race is not a physical one. It is a spiritual race with the finish line quickly approaching. What we do on earth does not determine if we get to Heaven, but it will determine our Heavenly rewards. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. “Run the race of life as best as you can, because you only get one chance at it.”
Love Your Enemies
Today, in the US and around the world, there are a growing number of mass shootings, riots, wrong fully killings, and racial tensions. Many cry more equal rights, gun control, black lives matters, build a wall, and export the foreigners. But all these are just bandages. The real problem is the sinful heart of man. “If you love and pray for those who wronged you, are against you or do not agree with you and view them as a friend, you will win out at the end.”
Yield Your Will
The signs use to be yellow but they changed them to red because people were not yielding.  However, some people still want to express their will by beating approaching traffic.  The signs should really say YIELD YOUR WILL “When you yield your will, you are yielding to God’s right away.”
God’s GPS
Recently, I had to use my son’s new car.  It had all kinds of buttons. To me, his GPS was from the space age.  It showed you were you were driving, gas stations, fast food, hotels, restaurants, road construction, traffic reports, pictures and the speed limit. Not only did it talk to you, you could talk to it. The way to heaven is by using God’s Plan for Salvation which is confessing that you are a lost sinner and believing that Jesus died on the cross for you sinners.  Then read your new owner’s manual (the Bible) and, like a new car, tell and show others about your new direction. “We are all heading to a dead end unless we follow the heavenly GPS.”
This Is Not My Home
When I was growing up, we as a family went camping in a popup trailer. The trailer had no electricity, running water, no air conditioning and little modern conveniences. When it rained you were often bored and got wet. By the of the weekend, we were glad to leave our temporary rough living. “Where will your home be when this short trip called life is over?”
A Friend that Cares
The saddest verse in the Bible is Psalm 142:4 “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.”  Someone you know is hurting and really needs a friend that cares.  Can they count on you? “Jesus is that friend who’s care has no end.” 
Christmas Only in a Museum?
Today, you cannot put nativity scenes up in many places. Christmas carols are no longer heard. Many places including churches are presenting seasonal entertainment instead of Christ worship.  Even the word Christmas is being called offensive and being replaced with the word Holiday. If we do not put the Baby Jesus back soon, then soon Christmas will only be found in museums.  “Without Christ, there would not be a Christmas, so why are we removing Him from it?”
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